Coliper IBean
IBean is a Java library that allows to declare Java beans - or data transfer objects (DTOs) and value objects in general - as interfaces. You can see it as an alternative to Lombok.
For example a JavaBean like
public class Person {
private String name;
public String getName() {
public void setName(String name) { = name;
would be declared in IBean as follows:
public interface Person {
String getName();
void setName(String n);
And for creating a new instance of the bean, instead of saying new Person()
you would
write IBean.newOf(Person.class)
IBean internally creates an implementation of the provided interface with expected behavior of
getter and setter methods and also with Object methods toString
, hashCode
working as desired.
IBean requires Java 8 or greater.
IBean has dependencies to following frameworks:
- Apache Commons Lang, version 3.2 or higher
- Google Guava, version 21 or higher
You do not have to declare these libraries in your Maven or Gradle dependencies. If not already present in your project these dependencies are automatically loaded.
If you want to use JSON convertion of IBean beans via Gson or Jackson you need to have Gson, version 2.4 or higher, respectively Jackson Core and Jackson Databind, both version 2.6.1 or higher, included in your project’s dependencies. Here you have to explicitly define them in your dependencies. The reason why these libararies are not automatically recursively loaded is that frameworks like Spring parse their classpath for these libraries and adopt their behavior if they find them. To avoid this IBean does not load any JSON libarary on it’s own.
Quick Start
Read This README
Gives you a good first overview.
Include IBean In Your Project
Add following dependency to your build.gradle:
implementation 'org.coliper:ibean:0.4.6'
Add following dependency to your pom.xml
Read the Developer Guide
We have integrated the developer guide into the API docs.
See an Extended Sample
Why IBean?
- Main purpose of IBean is to free the developer of writing boilerplate code for Java beans
or other value object classes. Getter and setter methods only need to be declared but
no implementation code needs to be written. Also implementation for Object methods
are automatically provided by IBean. Nevertheless, the way how these methods work can be customized. - You do not have to flag your beans with IBean specific annotations. You also do you have to list or configure your beans types anywhere. Just create a new bean interface and go!
- IBean provides a special way of aspect oriented programming. It allows to add behavior to beans just by interface extension. See Extension Interfaces for more details.
- IBean allows to declare beans not only with the JavaBean way. It also allows more modern techniques that are nowadays used for value object declaration, for example builders, immutability, Optional-support or different signatures for getter and setter methods. See chapter Bean Styles below for an example.
- IBean provides JSON conversion support. IBean supports JSON frameworks Jackson and Gson. How to use them with IBean refer to API documentation of Jackson and Gson support classes.
- Declaring beans as interfaces allows multiple inheritance for the bean types. That sounds unimportant first but inheritance can be a very strong weapon when you have many and complex value objects. With normal classes and single inheritance trying to create deep bean class hierarchies almost always fails. You assemble beans almost only by composition. With interfaces you have a powerful additional way to combine smaller bean types to bigger and more complex ones.
Differences and benefits in contrast to other frameworks with similar purpose can be found below under Alternative Frameworks.
Extension Interfaces
IBean has a very powerful mechanism to inject generic functionality into beans, so called extension interfaces. This mechanism is similar to aspect oriented programming (AOP). In Java you usually do AOP with a framework like AspectJ or Spring AOP using annotations. That means, by labeling a method or a class with an annotation you inject behavior into this method or class. In IBean you do similar, but instead of using annotations you have your bean type extend one or more extension interfaces.
Let us see an example:
public interface Person extends ModificationAware, Freezable, NullSafe {
String getName();
void setName(String n);
Bean class Person
extends three extension interfaces ModificationAware
and NullSafe
. By doing this you inject new functionality or
behavior to your bean. This functionality can either come from the methods
of the extension interfaces. Like for example ModificationAware
a method that tells you
whether a bean has been modified.
Person person = IBean.newOf(Person.class);
person.isModified(); // => false
person.isModified(); // => true
person.resetModified(); // make not dirty any more
person.isModified(); // => false
Methods isModified
and resetModified
are both supplied by interface
. See ModificationAware API docs
for more details.
On the other hand extension interfaces can also influence the behavior
of getter or setter methods. For example extension interface NullSafe
does not contain any method but changes the behavior of all getters
so that they never return null as value and throw an exception
instead. See NullSafe API docs for details.
Extension interface Freezable
does both, it adds methods to the
bean and it changes the way how setters of work. By calling
on the bean you make it immutable so that
any subsequent call to a setter causes an exception to be thrown
from the setter.
Of course not every interface can be used as an extension interface. IBean provides several built-in extension interfaces which all can be found in package org.coliper.ibean.extension. But you are able to define your own custom extension interfaces and plug them in into IBean framework. How to do this is described in the ExtensionHandler API docs.
Bean Styles
In the early Java years value objects or DTOs (data transfer objects) have almost always been declared in JavaBean style. This changed over time also under the influence of functional programming and other programming languages. Developers now wanted to have their beans to include concepts like immutability, chained declarations, builders and null safety. IBean allows these concepts to be used in its beans.
Give it an example. The Person
bean type from previous examples, extended
by date of birth, would be declared in the traditional JavaBean style like
public interface Person {
String getName();
void setName(String n);
LocalDate getDateOfBirth();
void setDateOfBirth(LocalDate d);
Now assuming that name
is mandatory for Person
and DOB is optional, in
IBean you can declare the same bean type like this:
public interface Person extends {
String name();
Person name(String n);
Optional<LocalDate> dateOfBirth();
Person dateOfBirth(LocalDate d);
There are three differences between the two interface declarations:
- The naming of the setters and getters is different.
- Setters return the bean type (
). - The getter or field dateOfBirth returns Java’s
type indicating that its value might be null.
With that way of interface style you can create a Person
instance like this:
Person person = IBean.newOf(Person.class)
For a more complex example that also covers builders and immutability see this sample code.
If you might wonder how this Optional
return type works, IBean has built-in
support for this. That means, if a field value is null the getter would
not return null but rather an empty Optional
instance. But careful, you need
to use the right bean style that supports this.
Now to sum it up, a so called bean style in IBean defines two things concerning bean interface declaration:
- the naming of the getter and setter methods
- the signature of the getter and setter methods
IBean currently has two built-in bean styles:
- the “traditional” JavaBean style (ClassicBeanStyle)
- the more modern and sophisticated style as described in the sample above (ModernBeanStyle)
When using IBean you usually decide for a common bean style in your whole
code base. It is possible to have different styles in parallel but you
should have very good reasons for this.
Besides the build-in styles it is possible to define your own bean style.
How to do this, how to choose a bean style and more information related you
find in BeanStyle API docs.
Alternative Frameworks
There are several excellent frameworks out there with the same purpose, to free the user from writing boring boiler plate code for their value objects. In spite of similar purpose they all differ in their approaches and feature sets. These are probably the most important ones:
- AutoValue - provided and used by Google
- Joda-Bean - from the inventors of Joda-Time
- Immutables - probably the most powerful of all these frameworks
- Lombok - the veteran in this list
You find comparisons and descriptions of some of this frameworks in the net, for example on DZone or in this blog.
IBean differs to these frameworks mostly in following aspects:
- Most frameworks require a code generation process during build time. IBean does not need this and can be used out of the box.
- IBean uses interfaces to declare bean types whereas most of the other frameworks use abstract classes declaring only the fields. Abstract classes are a little shorter to write, interfaces give you more flexibility in composition of your bean types.
- Most frameworks do extensive use of annotations, IBean is completely free of any annotation.
JSON Support
IBean supports JSON serialization and deserialization for Gson and Jackson2. If you want your bean type to be convertible to and from JSON you need to use a certain extension interface and you need to inject a handler into your conversion framework. See API documentation for GsonSupport and Jackson2Support about details. This project also contains some sample code how to integrate Gson.
Hint: If you use Spring Framework you normally have Jackson2 under the
hood by default. In that case you only have to add the
JacksonModuleForIBeans to your Jackson ObjectMapper